DA DA DA - 513 South Main St. Seattle, WA 98104 Map

By appointment only. Please book on our appointments page for in-store & events 

Regular Hours:

  • Mon - Tues: 12pm - 6pm 
  • Wed: Closed 
  • Thur - Fri: 12pm - 6pm 
  • Sat - Sun: Closed ( open by appointment during *special events & exhibitions) 


  • 11/25 Small Business Saturday during C-ID Foodwalk 12pm - 5pm  ( Stop a Hing Hay Park for Map & promotions to redeem in-store )  
  • 12/9 Saturday - Japantown Jazz during Japantown Jingle (overall event 1pm - 7pm / shop hours 12pm - 5pm) 

Current Exhibition: 

  • Exhibitions Event Details See our IG here or Facebook for specific dates
  • Artists Exhibiting: Nin Truong Ceramics & White Noise Exhibition Books

 Established in 2017, DA DA DA Gallery was conceived as a simple open space to present art and other curated works in an imaginative atmosphere as the creative extension of MAIDEN NOIR. The focus of the gallery is to curate works that speak to the current nature and events of our surrounding environment.

‘DA’ translates in Japanese to ‘it is’, ‘to be’, or ‘now’. DA DA DA gallery embodies all three meanings, showcasing contemporary works of both art and design from diverse forms of media and other content that transcend multiple dimensions.

The gallery also functions as a showroom & retail space for MAIDEN NOIR's seasonal collections and is located in the historic Nihonmachi District (Japantown) within the International District of Seattle.



Artist Collections / Collaborations: Shop Here